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Important Information

Thank you for your interest and support! Without you our dream wouldn’t be possible. Under our packages page please find an option to best suit you. Please note our packages fall into two price ranges based on the amount of children that will be in our care. Package A is for a group of 5 children or less, Package B is for 6 children or more. Please note that we are only able to care for 10 children at a time, if you need our service for more than 10 children we will need two child coordinators – a quote can be arranged for this. If you have any questions please feel free to email us.


Information on Packages



1.      Transport fees are not included in our package deals.

2.      If you will need us for more than 10 hours please state this and we will include this in your quote.

3.      Hourly rate per child increases by R50, 00 after midnight.

4.      To secure your booking a non-refundable deposit of 40% is needed 4 months prior to the date you require our services.

5.      Please provide and insure there will an area for the children to rest or sleep if they get tired.


To request a booking please send us an email ( with the following information:

·        Your chosen package and activities you request

·        Amount of children that will be in our care

·        Location of Wedding

·        Date of Wedding

·        Hours you will need our service


Important Information

Our Activities & Entertainment



Activity 1 : Shadow drawings and colouring


Activity 2 : Colouring in activities


Activity 3 : Cards to Bride and Groom


Activity 4 : Uno


Activity 5 : Go fish


Activity 6 : Bubbles


Activity 7: Treasure Hunt


Activity 8 : Laptop movie (unless you can provide a TV)

Package A & C Cost

 Activity 1: R100, 00


Activity 2: R150, 00


Activity 3: R150, 00


Activity 4: R80, 00


 Activity 5: R80, 00


Activity 6: R100, 00


Activity 7: R150, 00


Activity 8: R150, 00



Please note these costs are for 5 children or less.

Package B Cost

Activity 1: R180, 00


Activity 2: R200, 00


Activity 3: R200, 00


Activity 4: R80, 00


Activity 5: R80, 00


Activity 6: R150, 00


Activity 7: R200, 00


Activity 8: R200, 00


Please note these costs are for 6-10 children.

Private Parties
Corporate Events
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